Number: 96
Country: USA, 91 minutes
Spoken Languages: English
Genre(s): Drama, Comedy
Director(s): Brian Robbins
Jack McCall, played by Eddie Murphy, finds an unusual tree in his yard after an encounter with a spiritual guru. After discovering that with each word he speaks, a leaf drops off of the tree, Jack refuses to speak at all, as doing so will keep the tree, and him, alive. However, his work, marriage, and friendships are all affected by his choice. Can Jack figure out an alternative method of survival? Or will he simply have to live the rest of his life to the fullest?
Eddie Murphy
Jack McCall
Kerry Washington
Caroline McCall
Jill Basey
Woman in Starbucks
Greg Collins
Construction Worker
Lou Saliba
Medium: Original DVD,
Loaned: No
Aspect ratio: 2.35:1