Number: 6
Country: UK, 133 minutes
Spoken Languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Cantonese, Arabic, Icelandic
Genre(s): Action, Thriller, Adventure
Director(s): Lee Tamahori
Pierce Brosnan gives one last mission as James Bond. Starting off in North Korea, Bond is betrayed and captured. 14 months later, Bond is set free, but traded for Zao who was captured by MI6. When back in his world, Bond sets off to track down Zao. Bond gets caught up in yet another scheme which sends him to millionaire Gustav Graves. Another MI6 agent known as Miranda Frost is also posing as a friend of Graves. Bond is invited to a presentation held by Graves about a satellite found in space which can project a huge laser beam. Bond must stop this madman with a fellow American agent, known as Jinx. Whilst Bond tries to stop Graves and Zao, will he finally reveal who betrayed him?
Pierce Brosnan
James Bond
Halle Berry
Jinx Johnson
Toby Stephens
Gustav Graves
Rosamund Pike
Miranda Frost
Rick Yune
Judi Dench
John Cleese
Michael Madsen
Damian Falco
Will Yun Lee
Colonel Moon
Kenneth Tsang
General Moon
Medium: Original DVD,
Loaned: No
Aspect ratio: 2.35:1