Number: 383
Country: USA, 112 minutes
Spoken Languages: English, Russian, Cantonese
Genre(s): Comedy, Musical
Director(s): George Sidney
Conrad Birdie is the biggest rock & roll star of the 60's ever to be drafted. Aspiring chemist and song writer Albert is convinced he can make his fortune and marry his girlfriend Rosie if he gets Conrad on the Ed Sullivan show to kiss a high school girl goodbye. Albert's mother will do anything to break him up with Rosie. Kim and Hugo, the high school steadies, live in Sweet Apple, Ohio where most of the action takes place.
Janet Leigh
Rosie DeLeon
Dick Van Dyke
Albert F. Peterson
Kim McAfee
Maureen Stapleton
Mama Mae Peterson
Bobby Rydell
Hugo Peabody
Jesse Pearson
Conrad Birdie
Paul Lynde
Harry McAfee
Mary LaRoche
Doris McAfee
Michael Evans
Claude Paisley
Robert Paige
Bob Precht
Medium: Original DVD,
Loaned: No
Aspect ratio: 2.35:1